Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Still few hours before the surgery

I've just received all the information about tomorrow: I have to be at the hospital uled at 7.15 am, and the surgery is scheduled at 9.00 am. OMG I am so scared, plus I've found out that my husband cannot stay there overnight with me..sigh! I am not able to express my feelings today, it's everything so strange. When my husband is back from work, I'll ask him to take some picture of me so I can post it and then see the difference during th healing process.


Michelle said...

Good luck, Lotti!!! I'm confident that everything will be okay. I'll be thinking of you and hoping the surgery goes according to plan and that you'll be on the road to a successful recovery!


Lori G. said...

Best of everything, Lotti! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. You'll soon be on the recovery side.

Anonymous said...

good luck on your surgery!!! we'll all be thinking of you tomorrow! i'm sure everything will go fine. can't wait to hear about how well your recovery is going :-)


cookieyum said...

Lotti: Best wishes for a speady recovery. Keep us up to date on how your doing. Oh, your baby is adorable. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Good vibes are on their way to you! You must be under as I type. (It's the afternoon for me.)
